2023 Reading Recap (107 Books?!)
I set a goal of 50 books to read in 2023. I finished the year with a total of… 107! Clearly, my reading journey in 2023 was an exciting and busy one. I’ve enjoyed many conversations with friends and family, both in person and online, over the books that I’ve read and my reading habits, so I wanted to share some of my takeaways from the year in a more permanent place on the blog.
Here are three takeaways from 2023—and keep reading to see my goals and plans for 2024!
1. Quality over Quantity
I am pretty excited about the amount of books that I managed read, especially with a one year old! However, if I’m being honest, only 70% were books that I truly enjoyed or would recommend after reading them. Some books I read to critique; they were on my reading list for several years and I wanted to get my own opinion of them. I read many of these in 2023 and ended up fairly disappointed with most of them (unfortunately, many were from the Christian nonfiction women category—yikes!).
It’s easy to be impressed with the quantity of books that I read, but please understand that I would rather read quality over quantity any day. In fact, this is my plan for 2024. After all, reading is my fun and relaxing hobby for a reason.
With that being said, I think it is valuable to read things that aren’t always in our preferred genre, or maybe even things that we know we will disagree with. Yet I don’t have the capacity to always be reading books that waste my time or make me frustrated!
I mentioned that most of my ‘disappointing’ books were in the Christian women’s nonfiction category. This is a genre that is oversaturated because there is an eager and willing audience. Yet I find myself concerned by some of the messages presented in these “Biblically based” books. Even if the message was good, it many cases it was so watered down that I truly felt like it wasted my time. This is part of the reason why I did read critique so many ‘bad’ books in 2023, so you don’t have to go through what I did!
2. Finding Time to Read
I’m a fast reader; I always have been since I first learned how to read! This worked in my benefit to allow me to complete 107 books, but please don’t feel ashamed if you’re a more methodical reader and prefer to take your time through a book. Reading is reading, and always valuable!
With that being said, I’ve been asked many times how I find the time to read, especially as a young mom of a busy toddler. My main strategy in 2023 was choosing to replace the time I was spending scrolling on my phone with reading a book, whether that was for two minutes or an hour. With this mindset, I made progress little by little.
Some other things I did:
Read before bed to wind down… warning, make sure that it’s a book that will help you relax! Sometimes fiction is so exciting that it’s hard to put down.
Bring a book to read in the car while waiting for grocery pickup (or any other opportunity to multitask).
Use reading as my “reward” for completing my household tasks for the day. Bonus, it helps me finish chores even faster.
I usually am reading 2-4 books at the same time, preferably from different genres. I read the one I feel like reading in that moment; this way, there’s no excuse that I don’t feel like reading or I’m not interested in it.
Some might benefit from listening to audiobooks while washing dishes or cooking. I prefer to read a physical book, but I did finish three audiobooks in 2023. It’s easier for me to focus on an audiobook if it’s a memoir or storytelling type of writing. Pro tip: set the speed on 1.2x or 1.5x to maximize your time!
3. My Top Ten from 2023
While I shared above that I read several books that disappointed me, I am ecstatic to share that I found some wonderful new favorites in 2023! I shared full reviews on my private Instagram account, but here are my top 10, in no particular order, along with a short summary:
The Wingfeather Saga (books 1-4; Andrew Peterson)
This is a young adult series that captivated my adult heart! Wonderful themes and a solid worldview are presented. We need more of this writing.
The Sound of Light (Sarah Sundin)
Sarah Sundin is unashamedly my favorite fiction author, and this was her new release in 2023. It’s a charming WWII novel set in Denmark. Sundin NEVER disappoints and I’ve already re-read this book in 2024.
Quiet (Naomi Vacaro)
This book talks about how to cultivate a meaningful time with the Lord (quiet time) without becoming legalistic.
M is for Mama (Abbie Halberstadt)
A bold and Biblical confrontation to what society and the internet have to say about motherhood.
Mama Bear Apologetics (Hillary Morgan Ferrer)
Thorough and understandable, this book breaks down serious cultural topics and helps you disciple your kids in a Biblical worldview. I highly recommend for any woman, not just moms!
Modern Art and the Death of a Culture (Hans Rookmaaker)
Deep and above my level in many ways, but we are missing this type of critical thinking about modern art and worldviews, even in Christian education.
Watership Down (Richard Adams)
This was sent to me via an online book exchange from a fellow sister in Christ whom I’ve never met! A classic for a reason, with a quaint yet engaging storyline. Also, I dream about rabbits frequently now.
Extra Credit: The Chronicles of Narnia series
I re-read this series, an old favorite, for the first time since college. It’s truly wonderful to revisit Lewis’ books as an adult and to realize they are every bit as magical and stirring as they were when I was a kid.
You can see the full 107 book breakdown of what I read (along with my 1-5 star ratings) on my Goodreads account.
2024 Reading Goals:
Am I planning to read 107 books—or more!—in 2024? Actually, I’ve set my goal for 50 books. This year, I’m busier and so this goal seems attainable.
Since 2021, I’ve shared quick snippet book reviews on my Instagram story. Even though it received a very positive response over the years, this became difficult to keep up in 2023. Since I’d also rather spend less time on social media, I’m instead going to share quarterly reading updates on my blog! Please subscribe so that you won’t miss them. If you want to see what I’m reading in real time, you can follow me on Goodreads.
Sharing my reviews started as a fun hobby to keep myself accountable in my reading, but I’ve had so many of you reach out with thoughts and feedback! I’m honored that so many people started reading a book just based off my recommendation. Some of you also take the time to recommend other books and authors to me, which has greatly enriched my library and expanded my reading horizons. Please keep sharing your thoughts and recommendations with me!
Reading is so good for our mind and souls. Whether you read 1 book or 100 books a year, please know that it’s a worthwhile investment.
Have you read any books from my 2023 ‘top ten’ list?
What are you hoping to read in 2024?