
Hi, I’m Haley!

I’d love to connect with you over a fresh spiced chai latte in a coffee shop, but this is the next best thing. Whether you’ve been reading my writing for a while, or are interested in learning more, I’m honored that you’ve visited my site! Keep scrolling to learn what I write about, and to hear my story and testimony. Soli deo gloria.

Scripture & Bible Study

I’m a born-again believer with a strong conviction for expository Bible study—no more fluffy, feel-good topics, but diving straight into Scripture in a 2 Timothy 2:15 type of way. I believe God’s Word is inspired, inerrant, and authoritative. We can (and must) build our lives on it.

I went to a Bible college and also earned a seminary degree, but I’ve had the most rewarding Bible study experiences with my Bible and a notebook. Undertaking the study of Scripture is a sacred and humbling task, but well worth it! I’ve had the chance to publish some of my work, but I’ll also be sharing other projects and resources (for free!) on this site.


Writing & Literature

I love to write. I’ve had some training in this area, but mainly consider my scribbles in several genres as a hobby. And, of course, I take any chance to curl up with a good book—bonus points if it’s classic literature, but I can appreciate a good historical fiction novel! The appreciation of literature, especially from a Biblical perspective, lends itself to interesting connections with life and culture. You’ll see me take a stab in this direction once in a while.


Outreach & the Church

My heart has always been for outreach. I felt God’s leading in this direction when I was a teen, and during this current season, God has provided many outreach and evangelistic opportunities for my husband and me. For me, this includes serving within my local church, as well as an inner-city ministry that is very dear to my heart. My experiences often bring me to sharing my thoughts and musings to encourage and challenge fellow believers in this area.


My Story


My childhood years were formative.

I understood I was a sinner and realized God’s grace in sending His Holy Son, Jesus Christ, to die and take my punishment for sin. I also learned that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead, showing that He would have the ultimate victory over sin. I made the decision to receive Jesus Christ as my savior when I was a young child and was baptized a few years later to publicly show my decision to follow Christ.

Shortly after this, God also began giving me a passion for a hobby that I would love and eventually pursue as a career. I loved to read and write—if anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say “a book writer!” Around this age I also began taking responsibility for my spiritual life (I have memories of writing little “lessons” about various proverbs!). While I’m sure my theology needed work, God was laying the foundation in me to develop this passion and gift.

In my teen years, I became convicted about following Christ with my whole life. Through a series of events, God led me to understand that He was calling me to missions. I wasn’t sure what that would look like at the time—and had no clue what God would do!

In 2014, I enrolled in a small Christian university to double major in Bible/Theology and Communications Writing. The next four years would be some of the most formative of my life, as I had opportunities to disciple and be discipled as a Resident Assistant in my dorm. I also began to volunteer in an inner-city children’s ministry, and serve in various areas of my church, including a semester of teaching a college Bible Study class on the book of Titus (more of that later!). I finished my degree with two internships in the writing and communications field—then was left floundering for my next step.

In God’s perfect will, I was hired at my university, where I would work for the next three and a half years. During this time, my future husband and I began dating, and I obtained a contract from Regular Baptist Press to write a women’s Bible study on Titus (using my old teaching notes!).

Scott and I got married in 2019 and I submitted the first draft of my study, Truth Adorned, a few months later. The study was published by Regular Baptist Press in spring 2021—just after I graduated with my M.A. in Biblical Apologetics from Baptist Bible Seminary. It was a busy year!

So that brings me here. Publishing this blog and website gives me the creative outlet to continue writing and hopefully, to fill a void within the Christian writing world. My goal is that this space would be glorifying to the Lord in every way.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”

— 2 Timothy 2:15 (NASB)