Dear Reader

Dear reader, 

Are you wondering what I write about, or curious to learn more about me before you subscribe? Here are three things you can expect to see me blogging about!

Scripture & Bible Study

I’m a born-again believer with a strong conviction for expository Bible study—no more fluffy, feel-good topics, but diving straight into Scripture in a 2 Timothy 2:15 type of way. I believe God’s Word is inspired, inerrant, and authoritative. We can (and must) build our lives on it. 

I went to a Bible college and also earned a seminary degree, but I’ve had the most rewarding Bible study experiences with my Bible and a notebook. Undertaking the study of Scripture is a sacred and humbling task, but well worth it! I’ve had the chance to publish some of my work, but I’ll also be sharing other projects and resources (for free!) on this site.

Writing & Literature

I love to write. I’ve had some training in this area, but mainly consider my scribbles in several genres as a hobby. And, of course, I take any chance to curl up with a good book—bonus points if it’s classic literature, but I can appreciate a good historical fiction novel! The appreciation of literature, especially from a Biblical perspective, lends itself to interesting connections with life and culture. You’ll see me take a stab in this direction once in a while.

Outreach & the Church

My heart has always been for outreach. I felt God’s leading in this direction when I was a teen, and during this current season, God has provided many outreach and evangelistic opportunities for my husband and I. For me, this includes serving within my local church, as well as an inner-city ministry that is very dear to my heart. My experiences often bring me to sharing my thoughts and musings to encourage and challenge fellow believers in this area. 


Better Ministry to Gen Z