Strength in Weakness

My grace is sufficient for you. My power is perfected in weakness.

I prayed these words many times recently, begging God for strength and sustenance in a unique circumstances: pregnancy.

While I’ve only had two pregnancies, and neither has been high-risk, both have been difficult for me physically. From morning sickness (more like all day sickness—that lasted most of the pregnancy!) to gestational diabetes and the other discomforts and complications that come with pregnancy—I found myself hanging on by a thread for each of the nine month pregnancies. My physical strength seemed to diminish with each day that passed, my emotional strength was was and I was reminded that it wouldn’t get any easier when I hit the sleep-deprived newborn stage.

I had always been a high-achiever, high capacity kind of girl who always balanced and juggled multiple plates at a time— so why during pregnancy of all things was I finally facing my limits, both physically and emotionally? I’m not sure what the answer is, but through each of those difficult nine months, the Lord taught me to trust Him and rely on His strength.

Difficult Seasons

Are you also in a difficult season? Have you given all that you possibly can—and still find that God has asked for more? Do you reach your limits each day and aren’t sure how you will have energy and strength for tomorrow? Our world, and even Christian culture, can give good suggestions to these problems. Suggestions range from rest more, stop committing to extra things, eliminate stress—all good ideas, but what do you do when it’s not possible to do less or avoid stress? Sometimes, has God really asked more of us than we can give? How can God accomplish his plans if we are physically or emotionally weak?

These are all questions I’ve encountered, and here are three things I’ve learned through Scripture about finding true strength during weakness.

1.God gives strength

“He gives strength to the weary, And to the one who lacks might He increases power.” Isaiah 40:29

I’ve learned that God has allowed me to come to the end of my rope, to use up all my existing strength—and He provides the rest. This doesn’t mean that I operate my life in a constant state of tiredness or pain, but in those circumstances and seasons that truly are difficult, He will give me what I need to make it through that day, to obey Him, to do the things that He has called me to do. I am grateful for the seasons of life that provide rest and encouragement, but equally grateful for the circumstances that are difficult and trying because they give me a chance to rely on God’s strength.

How do we rely on God’s strength? What does that look like? For me, this was through prayer; little prayers throughout the day begging Him for help, strength, and weakness—and thanking Him for providing those things. It also meant forcing myself to be in the Word, intaking Scripture as the source of strength.

Sometimes we are in difficult situations because of our foolishness, and God certainly can give us wisdom and discernment to avoid stress or difficult times, but in many cases the trials and difficulties are unavoidable. That’s when we need to choose to rely on God for strength—not ourselves.

2.God’s Power is Perfected in Weakness

“And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Do any of us love our weakness to be publicly observed? I surely don’t; in fact, I probably look for ways to hide my weaknesses so no one knows about them. In pregnancy, this was no longer possible. Due to sickness, I couldn’t always cook dinner or wash dishes; I needed my husband to give me insulin shots because I was too afraid to do it myself; and towards the end of the nine months, I even struggled to pick up my toddler because I was so physically exhausted! My weaknesses were more than obvious.

And yet, my hope and security was not (and is not!) in my own strength—thankfully! In fact, the glaring weaknesses I was experiencing allowed others to see how God was working in my life. I could share with others how God blessed me with help, friends and family who stepped in to take care of me, and how He allowed me to serve in ministry despite my weaknesses. These things didn’t point to me, but they pointed to my God.

3.Great is His Faithfulness

“The LORD’S acts of mercy indeed do not end, for His compassions do not fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

When I was experiencing morning sickness, I would go to bed dreading the moment I would wake up the next morning. The nausea and vomiting never seemed to let up (even the scent of coffee would have me gagging!). Later on in pregnancy, I was put on medication shots for Gestational Diabetes. I dreaded those shots each night. Though the immediate physical pains and trials attempted to bring discouragement, I meditated on the truths of Scripture that reminded me about God. He was sovereign and in control. His love never ends. His mercies are new every morning. His faithfulness is great. These beautiful truths offer comfort, encouragement, and strength, no matter what trial we are facing. God’s love, mercy, and faithfulness are all so much bigger than my immediate problems.

No matter how much we pray, sometimes God does not remove difficult circumstances from our lives. Like me, you may go to bed knowing that the problem or trial is still there, and we will face the same battles the next morning. And yet, God’s character never change—He is faithful.

Likewise, when we fall into sin or temptation as a result of our trials, we can take comfort in knowing that God’s mercies are new every morning. What a great encouragement when we truly realize the greatness of God’s character as compared to our problems. We serve a mighty God. This brings joy and hope, even in the most difficult circumstances.

Our culture will encourage us to deal with hard times by prioritizing our best interests, pursuing mental health, and doing what makes us happy. On the contrary, God has asked Christians to walk through trials and difficult times. Some will be worse than others. Some Christians may encounter true physical persecutions; others may deal with difficult life circumstances. Don’t buy into the world’s philosophy that it’s all about you; rather, recognize that God will provide the strength that you specifically need, for each and every day, as you serve Him in the seasons and circumstances that He has given you.


Reading Recap: Quarter 3


Deconstruction: How Can The Church Do Better?