Four Books For Those Passionate About Missions
Whether you are serving God on the mission field, praying about full-time ministry, or desire to have a better understanding of missions in the local church, this is an important topic. In the past decade, there has been much criticism of the historical missions movement, and many current methods of ministry have been under attack. We must be grounded in our personal theology and ministry methods! I didn’t study “missions” in college, and I haven’t been on many missions trips, but through reading I have been able to learn both the theological and practical aspects of missions.
Here are four books that God has used greatly in my life. Even if you don’t feel called to missions, I think these are helpful to broaden your understanding of how God is working around the world—and as a reminder that we need to be fulfilling the Great Commission no matter where we are!
Edited by Kathleen Nielson and Gloria Furman
This book is a collection of essays for women, all relating to the topic of evangelism and “joyfully spreading the Word”. I found this book to be both encouraging and convicting. The author lineup, which includes Gloria Furman and Rosaria Butterfield, all wrote on areas that they were passionate about and experienced in. I don’t necessarily agree with the theology of some authors outside of this book, but still found it to be a convicting and helpful resource. I came away with a greater understanding of how to faithfully serve God by spreading the Gospel, right where I am.
By K.P. Yohannan
This is both a memoir and call to action written by the founding director of Gospel For Asia. I first read this book as a teen and it changed my perspective of the mission field. Reading about the author’s testimony, the persecution he had endured for the sake of preaching Christ, and the nation-wide ministry he founded, has ministered to me each time I read it. This book helped to kindle the flame of God’s call on my life.
By M. David Sills
My dad purchased this for me to read on winter break in between college semesters. This book, theological and practical, discusses a very important and overlooked topic: that of the missionary call. Am I called to missions? How do I know? Isn’t every Christian called to missions? Or maybe there’s no such thing as the missionary call? If you are questioning the call of God in your life, or maybe you’re interested in a theology of the so-called “missionary call”, this is a must read. It will help you understand your personal theology on this matter, and once you understand it, to follow God with all your heart!
Published by Propempo International
I’m not sure who gave me this book, but it was a quick and very helpful read for me as I graduated college. So you feel passionate about missions, you want to serve God in ministry—what’s next? How do you find the next step, and once you do, how do you get there? This book gives several practical steps, and it’s simple and easy to understand. Even those who dislike reading will appreciate the material here!
(These are all books that I’ve enjoyed personally and recommend the content; however, just because I recommend the book does not mean that I necessarily endorse each author or ministry. As an Amazon associate I may earn from qualifying purchases made through these links.)
Have you read any of these books and how did they influence you?
What books would you add to this list? Comment below!