Is It Really ‘My Body, My Choice?’
Haley Cleveland Haley Cleveland

Is It Really ‘My Body, My Choice?’

Scripture makes it clear that God is the giver of life and the creator of our bodies. Our choices, then, must align with the boundaries and follow the design that God has given.

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Our Favorite Baby Board Books
Haley Cleveland Haley Cleveland

Our Favorite Baby Board Books

While my baby cannot comprehend the words or concepts quite yet, I still like to be sure that the books I’m choosing are life-giving and meaningful. Here are some that do just that!

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Is God A Feminist?
Haley Cleveland Haley Cleveland

Is God A Feminist?

Feminism—that word you’re supposed to like, but aren’t sure exactly what it means, and fluctuate between feeling grateful for it, but also confused.

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Four Books For Those Passionate About Missions
Haley Cleveland Haley Cleveland

Four Books For Those Passionate About Missions

Here are some books that God has used greatly in my life. Even if you don’t feel called to missions, I think these are helpful to broaden your understanding of how God is working around the world—and as a reminder that we need to be fulfilling the Great Commission no matter where we are!

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Does a Woman’s Sexuality Matter?
Haley Cleveland Haley Cleveland

Does a Woman’s Sexuality Matter?

We need to understand how God has designed sex to know how we, as women, can live holy lives. How does modesty and Purity Culture fit into this?

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Biblical Womanhood In Action
Haley Cleveland Haley Cleveland

Biblical Womanhood In Action

The passages that we will look at speak directly to the church and certain expectations for women. We see the same principles at play as in Genesis 1-3.

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The Joy Of Reading
Haley Cleveland Haley Cleveland

The Joy Of Reading

Reading adds joy to my life, but also value, knowledge, wisdom, and enrichment, to name a few. I want to add this to your life, too!

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Better Ministry to Gen Z
Haley Cleveland Haley Cleveland

Better Ministry to Gen Z

Whether you’re actively involved in youth ministry or simply a church member, we each have a part to play.

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